Team Tyson

Caryn Tyson for

Kansas State Senate

Let's make Kansas the best pro-family, pro-business state in the nation."

Tyson For Senate

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for your support

Team Tyson

Caryn Tyson for Kansas State Senate

Real experience... Getting Results

Caryn, National Legislator 2021, championed property tax transparency and tax cuts.

Caryn is a statesman, respected for her work ethic and results.

Caryn works tirelessly to help people navigate government red tape.

Caryn wants to hear from you and works to keep constituents informed.


Meet Caryn

Real-world Experience... Working For You

Caryn is known for her conservative values, a diverse background and real-world experience. Her deep-seated Kansas values stem from working in her youth with family and friends at the Glasco Locker Plant, her parents’ family business. Caryn and Tim, her husband of 34 years, are fifth generation Kansans who co-own Tyson Ranch.
  • • Education: Bachelor of Science Mathematics KSU; Bachelor of Science Computer Science, KSU; and Master of Science Engineering Management, KU
  • • Experience: Software Engineer, Project Manager, and Rancher. Recognized for work at NASA, and others.
  • • Elected: Kansas Senate 3 terms; Kansas House 1 term.
Caryn’s impressive education, recognized work, and deeply-rooted Kansas values have resulted in the continuously growing enthusiastic support from a wide range of constituents. You can depend on Caryn for her strong advocacy for limited government and against government waste.

There are few certainties in our lives today, but you can be assured Caryn will work diligently to find solutions in the problems Kansans face.

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Contact Us

Contact Team Tyson

P.O. Box 191

Parker, KS 66072
